Kohesion Clothing before & after responsive website redesign

Custom website design for a women's clothing company in New Jersey
Custom Women's Clothing Website
Get products flying off your online store with a creative website design
Located in Elizabeth, New Jersey, Kohesion Clothing is a retail company that deals with a wide range of women’s clothing. A custom women’s fashion website was created as part of their online marketing strategy.

WordPress for Women's Fashion Websites
Women's clothing retailers can enjoy a lot of benefits by using WordPress with WooCommerce
Kohesion Clothing’s online clothing store was developed via Magento. The site’s responsive designed allowed the online store to be accessed via any device, including desktop computers, laptops, tablets, and smartphones.

Lead Generation for Online Fashion Stores
Kohesion Clothing sees more cart checkouts with clever lead generation strategies
Online shopping is expected to take over a significant portion of the retail market in the United States. If you are considering moving your retail business online to attract more customers and increase sales, it is recommended that you start working with a professional clothing website designer today.