Paddy’s Marketing

Paddy's: Expert Home Remodeling and Repair

Trust Paddy’s for seamless home transformations, where quality repair meets elegant remodeling.

The Challenge

Paddy’s struggled with a lack of brand representation on their social media platforms. While they regularly posted images of their work, they failed to convey a cohesive brand identity through graphics and voice. This absence of clear branding made it difficult for them to engage their audience effectively and build a loyal following.

The Plan

To tackle this challenge, SmartSites planned to establish a strong online presence for Paddy’s by developing brand templates, consistent colors, and a distinctive voice. Our goal was to showcase their work through a unified branding approach. We also aimed to create engaging content that would keep current followers interested and also attract new followers to their target platforms.

See The Results

999%Increase in Conversions
999%Decrease in CPC
999%Increase in click through rate