
Ecommerce Team Lead

Dundee, MI
Michigan State University
  • Cooking
  • Travelling
  • Yoga
  • Puzzles
Get To Know Katie

Such a hard question! I have a strong appreciation for well written TV shows and movies with great graphics. I’m a huge Marvel fan so any of the Avenger movies. But I also really love Jane the Virgin and The Office.

To teleport! I spend so much time in my car, so cutting back on time spent travelling would be amazing.

My organizational skills. I can see things and instantly know how they should be compartmentalized. I actually think that’s my superpower.

Google, hands down. You don’t even want to know the extent of how many things I google in a day.

A little Betta fish named Finn. He’s pretty cool.

My husband. He believes in me when I don’t believe in myself and is truly my #1 fan. He put himself through college by working three jobs while being a full time student and I rarely ever heard him complain. His work ethic, perseverance, and encouragement inspires me to be my very best.

Graphic Designer for Marvel Studios! Like I said, big fan.

Either London or Amsterdam. I spent 3 weeks travelling around 8 countries in Western Europe and completely fell in love with it. Every country is so different yet close in proximity which makes for easy travel.

I created visual mockups, graphics, and content for an Internet Service Provider’s rebrand from Spartan Net to Stellar Broadband.