Javier Perdomo

Project Manager

Miami, Florida
Florida International University
  • Music
  • Travel
  • Hiking
Get To Know Javier

After School Assistant at a learning center

A Nightmare Before Christmas

Any book from the “A Song of Ice and Fire” series

Creative projects


My homepage is set to Google and I would probably never change it because of how often I like to look things up (either randomly or as a necessity).

Playing computer games on my dad’s dinosaur of a PC when I was a toddler.

Teleportation, Super Speed, or Flight. Something that would help me travel easier/faster.

Life experiences. Even though I’m only 27, I’ve experienced a lot of different things in my life. Whether that be business experiences, cultural experiences, or personal experiences.

My sisters. I am the oldest sibling, so I aim to set an example for my two younger sisters.

A German Shepherd named Odin

I’ve always wondered what life would have been like as a musician.

A nice and cozy home in the Swiss Alps.

This is a very difficult question for me because of my obsession with music in general. I’m always listening to new things and connecting with new music. If I had to pick the most played song CURRENTLY, it would be “Happy” by NF.

Robin Hood

Way back during my Senior Year of High School, I created a website for a World of Warcraft Private Server that I was coding for and helping to run. That would be the first real website I created/ran. This was around 2015.

I climbed a waterfall in Jamaica once, that would likely be the most exotic one. Though I’ve traveled to a number of different places.