My Year at SmartSites
Elizabeth Reyn

It doesn’t seem like a full year ago that I wrote in my journal the night before starting at SmartSites, wishing myself luck on this new opportunity. It sounds cliché, but when it comes to work, a year doesn’t go by unnoticed. For those with tedious jobs, each minute feels like a lightyear, each lunch hour a Godsend, each commute home a treat deserved after a long day. Having a full time job feels mundane in comparison to the sporadic nature of college, where each day is filled with the promise of excitement.
SmartSites was different. While I came in with the understanding that I would be doing writing and editing, I was pleasantly surprised that my job would be essentially incorporating a good chunk of what I learned from my seemingly pointless Bachelor’s Degree in English.
Accepting the offer to work at SmartSites was the easy part. Now I actually had to fulfill my part by doing the work.
To say that I jumped in with confidence is probably an overstatement. While I was excited to meet the team and start learning what I would be doing, I was definitely intimidated by everyone’s knowledge of marketing, having had no prior marketing experience. I wondered if I was ready for the responsibilities that came with being part of an internet marketing company.
Since each experience is a learning curve, I knew I needed to be patient and ride it out. Over the months, in addition to doing my daily tasks, I studied format and content by reading articles and blogs on the internet. I figured my way around the office and asked my coworkers for help whenever I needed it. When I could, I changed the order in which I did my assignments, so each day would feel just a little bit different. Once I settled into the new office environment, things gradually became easier.
A year seems like only a small mark in the grand scheme of life; but I like to measure life by the moments that make up journeys and milestones. This year at SmartSites taught me a lot about professional and personal responsibility, collaborating with a team, and the importance of contributing to something larger than just the work I was doing. I had a great year and hope to continue to learn more in the upcoming months. Thanks for the valuable year of experience, SmartSites!