Why Should Winery Owners Consider PPC Marketing?
Clement Foo
Digital Content Manager
Today, small wineries have more opportunities to grow their businesses than before. By employing the correct digital marketing strategies, business owners can attract new and qualified leads, as well as earn conversions. One of the best online marketing techniques that suit wineries is PPC (pay-per-click) advertising because it drives instant results. Through PPC marketing, wineries will be able to capture credible leads for their businesses and convert them into actual paying customers.
New to PPC?
PPC marketing is a paid form of advertising and is used by a wide variety of industries that need to market their products and services online. Oftentimes, these ads appear at the top of SERPs (above organic listings). One can easily spot them because they are featured with an “ad” tag as well.
Before starting a campaign, it is important to choose relevant keywords. These terms will trigger your ads to appear in a potential visitor’s or customer’s search results, which ultimately should entice your target audience to click on the link. With that in mind, focus on long tail keywords (three or more words) that are relevant to your winery. Since these types of keywords encounter less competition, they have a lower cost-per-click (CPC). When fewer people bid on those keywords, the prices for them are lower.
Now, all these may seem slightly overwhelming at first, however, you can kick-start PPC campaigns via Google’s AdWords platform. It is a secure, reliable, and convenient place to grow your brand online! With the basics of PPC fresh in your head, now’s the time to learn more about the benefits that winery owners can enjoy:
Run Ads According to Your Preferred Schedule
The good thing about PPC is that it allows winery owner to choose the time of day to run their ads. This ensures that they reach their target audiences when they are most likely to be online. In addition, winery owners will be able to choose how long their campaigns will continue running. For example, it can end when one depletes his or her budget or achieves a certain number of clicks. By having this level of control over one’s campaign, business owners can conduct better and more successful PPC campaigns for their wineries.
Attract Qualified Leads
Oftentimes, PPC ads tend to attract leads that are likely to convert. Research has shown that nearly 70 percent of high intent searches result in clicking through an ad. So, compared to other companies that do not use PPC, your winery business has a higher chance of attracting leads. While attracting new leads is important, one shouldn’t forget to nurture his or her prospects toward conversion.
Pay Only When Your Ads Are Clicked
When it comes to PPC, business owners do not pay for impressions. Instead, they only pay when people click on their ads. Whether the potential lead clicks on the ad or not, you are still gaining brand recognition. This means that they will remember your winery when they finally decide to convert. Gain news (that may convert) and increase brand exposure; it’s a win-win situation!
Complete Control Over Your PPC Budget
PPC marketing allows winery business owners to choose their budgets and how much they want to spend. Whether it’s $2,000 or $30,000, one can choose the perfect budget that works for his or her winery. This way, business owners are unlikely to incur unforeseen charges, especially when they get too carried away.