Top Reasons Why You Need Roofing PPC Services Today

Sam Chadson Ng
Sam Chadson Ng

Director of Content

roofing PPC

Whether it is installing a new roof, fixing an existing one, upgrading it or looking for roofing tools and equipment, homeowners today often search for reputable roofing contractors online. Everything from “roof repairs” to “roof installation”, “roofing contractors” to “reliable roofers”, people are looking up these searches daily. With numerous roofing companies looking to reach these homeowners, roofers will require a successful marketing plan. Therefore, let us share with you the top reasons why roofing businesses who are looking to increase their leads and sales will require roofing PPC services.

Common Challenges Roofers Encounter

There are several challenges roofing contractors or companies face when competing in such an industry. Such challenges can include, increased competition, marketing, advertising, achieving reputable status, attracting new customers, retaining regular clients, and more. Taking advantage of the latest digital innovations such as PPC campaigns can help roofers overcome these hurdles easily. To ensure efficient results for your roofing business, however, roofers must determine the best PPC strategies and the benefits involved when engaging roofing PPC services from reputable SEO companies like SmartSites.

Close the Marketing Gap

If you are new in the business, long-established roofers may have better marketing advantages over yours. These marketing advantages can include name recognition, ranking at the top of major search engines like Google, having a large social media audience group, or several digital marketing campaigns. Newer roofers, however, can close these marketing gaps by implementing PPC campaigns for their business immediately.

By engaging digital marketing experts like SmartSites who can provide roofers with roofing PPC services for their businesses, roofers can begin capturing leads and send traffic to their website in no time.  

Measurable and Quantifiable Results

While most marketing campaigns or activities can be difficult to track or measure their results, PPC campaigns can allow you to achieve accurate and quantifiable data. For instance, major search engines like Google and Bing will track every ad impression, click, and conversion, providing you with accurate results for your PPC campaign. With this plethora of analytical data, roofers will know the exact state of their marketing campaigns. Therefore, this will help you to determine which direction to head toward or what is needed to modify your campaigns based on what works for your business.

Digital marketing companies that provide roofing PPC services can help roofers make almost real-time decisions to improve their results while reducing costs at the same time. Additionally, with such data, you can calculate your ROI from PPC marketing and determine the exact cost per lead.

First Page on Search Engines

Research shows that more than 95% of online viewers never look at the second page of major search engines such as Google, Bing, or Yahoo! Therefore, roofers without proper digital marketing campaigns might find it harder to have their website show up on the first page of search engines. For that reason, PPC campaigns are highly recommended to ensure a guaranteed and reliable way of showing up on the first page of search results when homeowners search for roofing services. Furthermore, efficient PPC advertising can set your roofing business at the top of search engines, allowing your customers to view your company before looking at your competitors located below you.

Compete regardless of Your Search Rankings

As mentioned above, PPC campaigns can help you reach the top of search rankings on major search engines such as Google, Bing, or Yahoo! One of the major benefits of PPC advertising, however, is that you do not have to depend solely on getting to the top of search rankings. This simply means that if you are a new roofing company or a roofer who has been in the business for many years but do not have a proper digital PPC advertising campaign, roofing PPC services can still help you compete with other longer established roofing companies regardless of your search rankings results.

For instance, through PPC, you can still be able to advertise your services or promote your products, which means that you can still compete with other roofers who have higher search rankings than your business. Even when you have just developed a new website, PPC ads can offer almost instant competitive advantages, putting you in the frontline with other established roofing companies that have been operating for several decades.

Budget Control

One of the best perks of implementing PPC campaigns is that roofers can have total control over their online marketing budget by adjusting the precise amount they are willing to spend across various marketing channels. Furthermore, these budgets can be increased, decreased, or even be stopped altogether in an instant when necessary.

Highly Targeted Ads

Not only do roofing PPC services allows roofers to have total budget control, but they also provide specific targeting for their business. When launching roofing PPC campaigns, roofers can decide where and when your ads will be viewed based on a variety of parameters like demographic, geographic location, date, time, and more. This can help you narrow down your market and target the right audience, ensuring that your roofing services will appear when people search for them. For instance, geographic targeting can allow the ads to show up in specific locations where roofers want to advertise their services. People who are driving past these locations searching for roofing services can come across your billboard thanks to PPC.

Increase Roofing Leads and Sales

When your PPC ads are connected to a specific landing page, you can certainly experience an improvement in overall traffic across your website. Additionally, directing your customers to your website can prompt them to explore other pages as well, increasing the chances of converting your products to sales. With more traffic to your roofing website, the higher the leads. As those who have entered your website are already interested in your roofing services, these leads can become long-term customers.

Increase Business Recognition

When more homeowners start to view your ads online, they will be acquainted with your roofing brand, thus, increasing your business recognition. Even if online viewers do not click your initial PPC ads, they will still have your company’s name in mind when they look for roofing services in the future. Therefore, it is a great way of increasing your online presence while building your business reputation altogether.

Staying Ahead of Your Competition

Ensuring effective PPC campaigns takes a fair amount of patience and effort, portraying results that are worth it. Whether you are a new roofing company or have been in the business for several years, investing in PPC campaigns can certainly help you stay ahead of your competition without losing potential leads to your competitors.

Hiring the Right Digital Marketing Company

In today’s world, the first thing people will go to when looking for roofing services is getting online and searching for professional roofers who are licensed and reliable. No matter what kind of roofing services you are looking to provide, there are great advantages when it comes to hiring professional digital marketing companies for roofing PPC services. Whether you are looking to increase your web presence or exposure to new customers, PPC advertising can help you set your roofing business apart from the competition effectively while ensuring your business stays ahead of the game.

To achieve such results, working with a reputable digital marketing agency like SmartSites can help roofers like yourself improve your PPC advertising performance, ensuring long-term results and great benefits. At SmartSites, our team has helped numerous roofing companies increase their roofing traffic and sales with our efficient roofing PPC services and SEO campaigns that can be customized according to their business needs. Our PPC experts will work closely with you and strive to ensure that your roofing business stays above your competition. Stand out from your competitors and receive a plethora of digital marketing advantages by partnering with us at SmartSites today!