Top Ecommerce Development Trends To Rule In 2021

Sam Chadson Ng
Sam Chadson Ng

Director of Content

Ecommerce Development Trends

Today, eCommerce platforms connect shoppers and businesses to ensure effective communications and convenient point of sales. For that reason, keeping up with eCommerce development trends can help your online business grow and stay for a longer time. Whether you are new to eCommerce or have been in the loop, there is no need to jump on the bandwagon immediately, especially if you are not equipped with the right knowledge and skills.

Without further ado, let us take a plunge into the world of eCommerce to learn more about these development trends.

Ecommerce for Businesses

Thanks to the proliferation of online activities worldwide, online purchases have surged to new heights, rising significantly over the past years. Therefore, many businesses have gone online, shifting away from the traditional brick and mortar store. Online shopping, thus, has become the new normal where people are purchasing anything from household products to office equipment from the comfort of their homes. Various eCommerce platforms have become a great source of income for most businesses.

Voice Commerce

Research shows that by 2021, smart speaker users will rise to an estimated 18% or more. This simply means that the popularity of smart speakers is increasing, and voice commerce may be the new way of shopping in the future. This new way of eCommerce development trend can be your ticket to reaching your targeted audience, be it whether you own a business or looking to gain more traffic for your website. Therefore, when you decide to create an online store or a website for business, consider implementing voice commerce into your eCommerce web development to achieve greater ROI.

Here are some tips on how to prepare voice commerce for your website:

  • Optimize your content to ensure that it appears in voice queries
  • Ensure a simple flow for customers to purchase your products through voice search
  • Provide voice-based navigation on your website or application
  • Add skills to Amazon Alexa and Google Assistance

Social Commerce

Social commerce is one of the few important eCommerce development trends that you should not miss out if you are looking to attain higher advantages for your eCommerce platform. Today, most shoppers are looking to have integrated experience on various social media platforms, searching for opportunities to achieve the best deals for their products. With the rise of online ads and reviews on social media platforms, shoppers can learn about different products more conveniently and determine the ideal product to purchase. Hence, social media integration will be one of the latest eCommerce market trends that will lead to the development of successful eCommerce websites in the future.  

Augmented Reality Vs. Virtual Reality

The evolution of Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR) has revolutionized many industries, bridging the gap between online shoppers and the inability to see products in detail. With AR technology, online shoppers can visualize a variety of products. They will go through an interactive experience of a real-world environment where the objects they have chosen can reside in the real world through enhanced computer-generated perceptual information. With VR technology, however, online stores can provide customers with virtual in-store experiences. These VR experiences can help businesses offer greater details in their products to help customers make better purchase decisions.

Omnichannel Selling

If you own an online store and are looking to increase your target audience, omnichannel selling is one of the best eCommerce development trends you should consider implementing into your business. For instance, people are often buying products on eBay, Amazon, Facebook, and several other online platforms. Therefore, opting for multichannel selling is one of the best ways to enhance your eCommerce development strategy. 

Here are some tips on how to enhance the omnichannel experience:

  • Optimize your website for mobile and smart devices
  • Provide a personalized customer experience
  • Utilize eCommerce cloud

Artificial Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has picked up the pace in the recent years thanks to the evolution of better algorithms. With the help of AI technology, eCommerce websites can help customers make better product recommendations while enhancing the overall customer experience altogether. Additionally, AI will help online businesses to analyze shopping trends and buyer behavior to ascertain the best time, price, and place to list their products online. AI technology is one of the prevailing eCommerce development trends that will help boost sales and marketing efforts of every online business.

Mobile Shopping

With the improvements in online security and the rise of online shopping among buyers, people are now feeling even more comfortable to transact products via mobile devices. When it comes to eCommerce web development trends, mobile optimization plays a major role in various online businesses, allowing customers to experience a business’s credibility and shop for their products on their mobile devices. Due to the increasing dominance of mobile devices and applications in the world, creating a mobile-optimized website has become essential to stay competitive and drive hefty revenues.

Progressive Web Apps

A progressive web application (PWA) is a software that is built to work on any platform including desktops and mobile devices. Progressive web applications are becoming increasingly popular among businesses in the eCommerce industry. If you are looking for ways to improve sales and enhance the customer experience in your online store, PWA is the best way to bridge these gaps. Whether you are considering developing a WordPress or Magento website, investing in PWA development services can certainly benefit your business in many ways.

SEO Marketing

If you are an online business owner or a marketer, you have most likely come across the term “Search Engine Optimization” (SEO). In today’s eCommerce world, SEO is essential in any online marketing strategy, improving a website in many ways such as ranking in search results when online shoppers search for a specific word or phrase. For that reason, the searchability and visibility of your website will increase significantly, allow your website to have a greater online presence.  Investing in SEO marketing campaigns can offer a huge potential in increasing your online traffic, leads, and sales.

Choosing the Best Ecommerce Development Company

Whether you are looking to gain significant traffic to your website or maximize your revenue from your online retail store, keeping up to date with the latest eCommerce development trends can ensure a successful online business. Missing out on the opportunity to learn about the latest eCommerce trends can put your business on the losing end of your competition.

As more people become comfortable buying online, online shopping is reaching new heights, thus, selecting the best eCommerce development company like SmartSites can help you build a cutting-edge online business. Work with our team of professional web developers at SmartSites to develop a robust eCommerce website that entails exceptional functionalities today!