Tips & Tricks For Creating Evergreen Content

Chad Faith
Director of Content

Whether you’re involved in content marketing or you are trying to improve SEO results, having evergreen content will always benefit your website. When you hear the word evergreen, you may think of the trees that bear the same name. Since evergreen trees are known to retain their leaves throughout the seasons, evergreen content is considered to be as lasting and sustainable as those trees. They will continue to retain its relevance way past its initial publication. Read on to find out how to plan and create content like this as well as the various formats you can use.
Identify Common Problems Experienced by Your Customers
In fact, this is a good way to commence your content creation process. It helps ensure that the focus is mainly on solving genuine issues. Let’s pretend that there’s a business providing appliance repair services and they have a list of “common problems” in the form of a drop down menu. Not only is this a useful way to navigate, it also tells you something about the example’s content creation approach.
Don’t Forget about Data Mining
You will have to identify some of the top reasons why customers look for repair information on your site. You can gain such information from past on-site search queries. From there, create a page that’s matches the query and include some useful resources as takeaways. This works beautifully in SEO and your site can gain a prominent position in Google’s search results in no time. Ideas for new, fresh content are all around, and most of them reside in your site’s data.
Targeting Your Products & Services to Create Evergreen Content
When creating evergreen content, one of the challenges you may face lies in the nature of your products and services that you want to market. For some businesses, this is easy to do. An example is Redbull where their products can be used to conjure up new cocktails by their enthusiastic fans.
However, for some other businesses such as those in the pest control industry, this is harder to do due to the nature of their product niche. To overcome this, content like guide creation can be utilized. For example, guides on rats or cockroaches will provide evergreen content for your readers. If you want to go one step further, include in creative posts such as fried insect recipes to capture attention.
Evergreen Content Formats that Work
Here are some of the formats that have worked well for a wide spectrum of businesses:
- Lists: Lists work exceptionally well as they can tell the potential reader that the content you’re providing is easy to scan and digest. It just appeals to people’s curiosity. 7 Ways to Raise Your Ad Click-Through Rates is one example.
- Curation: By listing useful statistics and tools on your site, you add value for potential users as well as useful resources that keep visitors coming back for more quality content.
- Niches: You should note that evergreen content is not all about popularity and you should get bone-deep on posts. Your main goal is to deliver the right kind of traffic over time. A post that talks about using redirects may seem niche to some readers. However, posts like these can deliver consistent long tail keyword traffic.