PPC Trends To Rule This Year (2022)

Sam Chadson Ng
Sam Chadson Ng

Director of Content

PPC Trends in 2022

To adapt to the challenges posed by the continuation of the pandemic last year, many brick-and-mortar businesses in various industries have shifted their services online. As a result, more companies are investing in Pay-Per-Click (PPC) marketing to increase visibility and generate sales leads. PPC advertising is an effective method for any business wishing to invest more in their online platforms to create more top-of-mind recall in consumers. However, owners and decision-makers should also understand PPC trends that would help them get the most optimal results, be it start-up businesses or multi-national companies.

Wider Diversification of Platforms

Many companies concentrate all their PPC marketing efforts on mainstream platforms such as Facebook to their bottom line. However, to achieve the most successful results, brands need to look beyond the social media platforms they are comfortable with and diversify their reach to newer audiences. These include other major ad platforms that have many untapped potentials, such as TikTok, Linkedin, Quora, Reddit, Snapchat, Pinterest, and many more, which have grown significantly in recent years.

With COVID-19 causing more customers to adopt work-from-home arrangements, many of these platforms have reported an active growth in their memberships. According to a report, TikTok saw a growth of 38%, Pinterest had an increase of 32%, while Reddit reported a rise of 30% compared to 2019. The broader and more diverse your reach is across different platforms, the more successful your brand will be in generating successful sales leads and conversions.

Further Development of PPC AI & Automation

With COVID-19 accelerating the transformation of the digital landscape and technology transformation, PPC automation and artificial intelligence (AI) are likely to observe more development and growth in 2022.

While they may not be applicable in all types of marketing objectives, they are critical in helping brands identify their most lucrative channels through various methods such as data diagnostics, ad testing, and Call-To-Action (CTA) analysis). This would help to recentre the business’ marketing objectives and align them accordingly with targeting and tapping into the appropriate channels.

AI technology integrated into marketing strategies can cultivate better brand-customer relations by helping you to optimize media messages to be more personalized to encourage increased interaction and engagement. By leveraging on the right audience, brands would get an increased and more fruitful return on investment (ROI).

Additionally, investing in PPC AI & Automation technology can save you the time-consuming work of consolidating, organizing, and classifying data and information from different platforms. This would help the brand to make more informed business decisions and execute PPC campaigns that are scalable, viable, and effective.

Boosting with Lead Tracking Software

One way of integrating automation and AI in campaign strategy is by integrating lead tracking software with your PPC advertising campaigns. Unfortunately, many businesses tend to rely solely on the PPC online platform they are utilizing, where there will be limited insights available on sales lead data. However, using lead tracking software can significantly boost your ROI, allowing you to better oversee your sales lead data and identify quotable leads that should be passed to your PPC online platform.

While PPC online platforms such as Google Ads are integrating more automation in their interface, they usually provide little insight on the effectiveness and relevance of your PPC campaign. Therefore, the individual lead data collected by automated tracking software can be advantageous in helping you create more relevant ads that will be beneficial to your PPC campaign performance.

Audience Segmentation and Targeting

In 2022, we predict increased importance on identifying audience segments and customizing PPC campaigns to target the right demographics. This is crucial as this would optimize your PPC ads’ ROI by maximizing your brand visibility and reach to your target audience once they are online.

Many social media platforms are also changing and developing their algorithms to deliver and push higher-quality client-centered content to their audiences. Therefore, brands should re-evaluate and research more on what their audiences are looking for in the bigger picture and their strategy to implement more brand top-of-mind recall. In the longer term, this would be beneficial in generating more effective sales leads and conversions.

Additionally, With the changes to the broad match and phrase match modifier announced by Google, it makes it even more critical to target the right audience, as advertisers’ control over the effectiveness of their campaign is more limited. This means that PPC campaign keywords will need to be shorter to be more effective and reach a wider range of audiences within the right demographics.

Offline Conversion Tracking

Traditionally, many brands tend only to track conversions online, when in reality many of these generated sales occur offline. Today, customers still visit brick-and-mortar stores to purchase goods and services from storefronts. As many of these offline conversions are not considered in the data, many companies have an inaccurate overview of their PPC campaign performance.

Offline conversion tracking allows businesses to consider other conversions in various systems such as the company’s customer relationship management (CRM) to better inform owners on the quality of their leads. This provides owners and decision-makers with an accurate overview of how their PPC campaigns fared and allows them to make better business decisions based on these results. In recent years, many brands have learned to integrate offline conversion tracking into their marketing strategy. This has helped them optimize their PPC campaigns to be more suited for their target audience.

Your One-Stop Solution for PPC Marketing

Founded by Alex and Michael Melen in 2011, SmartSites was created with a passion for all things digital. With an innovative vision in mind, the company has grown to one of the country’s fastest-growing digital marketing agencies – specializing in Web Design & Development, Pay-Per-Click (PPC), Search Engine Optimization (SEO), and Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO) services. We are committed to bringing your business to new heights with our results-driven marketing strategies that exceed your expectations. While we are located in Paramus, New Jersey, we take pride in serving a range of different clients from all over the world, from various industries.

For more information about our digital marketing services, please do not hesitate to contact us at 201-870-6000 or email at contact@smartsites.com.