New To Digital PR?

Chad Faith
Director of Content

One way to increase the online presence of a brand is through digital PR. It is an effective tactic that can help establish and strengthen relationships with online journalists and key content writers to earn high-quality backlinks, citations, or press hits. This type of PR, when performed correctly, can significantly increase your brand’s visibility and reach. This results in enhanced search engine visibility. If you employ proper onsite SEO techniques, you can also drive increased referral traffic. If you want to increase brand equity, ROI, conversion rates, credibility, and trust, you can never go wrong with digital PR.
How is Digital PR Typically Fitted into Online Marketing Strategies?
When it comes to digital PR, it is recommended that you follow closely with your digital marketing and SEO strategies to achieve the maximum effect. What’s great about this type of PR is that it does not need to directly follow your general marketing objective. It can, on its own, increase the site traffic of slow-moving stock and beef up weaker landing pages. When combined with SEO, this type of PR can leverage key search term trends and maximize coverage on topic/terms/keywords that people are already searching on the Internet.
Is it the Same as Traditional PR?
Digital PR does not focus solely on the number of followers on a social media site or its readers (before approaching them). Its main focus is to evaluate non-paid opportunities and domain authority pertaining to link citations. Traditional PR, on the other hand, utilizes viewer ratings, readership, and high circulation to determine who or what to approach when selling content to publishers and media houses. It is now much more clearer that the success of digital PR is more measurable than its traditional counterparts.
What is a Positive PR Hit?
If you get a hit from a site that possesses high domain authority and it includes natural links to the brand’s site (those links should feature relevant brand anchor text!), you have got a good PR hit. The key to getting one is to ensure that your readers are being directed to the content he or she is expecting to see. You should be aware of how you pitch your content to online journalists. It is the key to getting your message conveyed properly, i.e. in the way that you want your readers to receive.
How Do You Measure the Success of Digital PR?
You can measure the effectiveness of your digital PR efforts by annotating the PR hits via Google Analytics. You can measure how much referral traffic you have gained from those digital PR hits. By tracking and analyzing how well your site’s landing pages rank for targeted keywords, you can determine the success of your PR strategy.
When it comes to annotating your hits in Google Analytics, you should measure the spikes in referral traffic metric that are generated by those hits. Another important factor to take note of is the increases in organic search traffic. To get a better view on conversion and bounce rate data, you should tag your PR campaign links via the Google URL Builder.