May 2017 – Web Design Events To Attend

Chad Faith
Director of Content

If you are looking for ways to increase your knowledge in the fields of web design and development, it is highly recommended that you attend web design events. In these events, you can meet a variety of like-minded individuals who are keen in helping the community grow and impart their knowledge to those who are willing to learn and share. Check these web design events in May 2017:
Create Upstate 2017
Create Upstate is a stellar web design event that will be happening on May 4-5, 2017. Located in Syracuse, NY, Create Upstate is both known as a conference and a gathering of the Upstate NY design community. Featuring an impeccable line-up of speakers (Cap Watkins from BuzzFeed, Catt Small from Etsy, etc.), you will be able to connect with people across the entire state.
Respond 2017
Located in Melbourne, Australia, Respond is a web design event that has existed for over two years. In 2017, Respond will be in its third year and will address the myriad challenges web designers face in delivering modern and responsive web experiences. John Allsopp will be curating the event and he is considered as a pioneer of responsive design. All in all, Respond is one of the world’s leading events for the web design industry and will feature an array of renowned local and international speakers. It is happening from May 8-9, 2017 so don’t miss it!
BIM 2017
When and where? BIM 2017 will be happening from May 10-12, 2017 and you will have to book your flight to head to Alicante, Spain. Convenient if you are already based there! BIM 2017 (Building Information Modelling) is an international conference that focuses on bringing together experts within the web industry and academia to debate on construction, operations, and design to predict future trends and develop innovative solutions. From panel sessions to seminars and workshops to plenary papers, you can expect yourself to be pretty occupied at the event.
beyond tellerrand
beyond tellerrand is an event founded by Marc Thiele in 2010. The name of the event expresses the aim, which everybody in the industry should have, to look beyond the edge. In other words, think outside the box. If you are a web enthusiast and looking for an affordable web design and development event to attend, be sure to check out beyond tellerrand. It is taking place in Dusseldorf, Germany from May 15-17, 2017.
DEVit Web Conference 2017
Want to improve your web design skills by learning about the most modern techniques and practices? Staying updated in the web industry has never been so easy as you can attend truly 360° conferences such as DEVit Web Conference 2017. Located in Thessaloniki, Greece and happening from May 20-21 , 2017, you can listen to an array talks delivered by the most remarkable speakers. Whether you specialize in frontend or backend design, this is an event you wouldn’t want to miss.
Webinale 2017
Where? Berlin, Germany. When? May 29 to June 02, 2017. If your schedule only starts to free up at the end of May. Don’t fret. Webinale 2017 is here to save the day. This is a conference for trendsetters and digital professionals working in related fields to the World Wide Web. Since its inception, Webinale is recognized as an optimal crossover platform for experience, inspiration, and knowledge across all fields of web technologies.