How To Optimize An Amazon Listing

Zach Everett
Zach Everett

Senior PPC Analyst, eCommerce Lead

amazon listing

If you shop regularly on Amazon, chances are that you’ve come across some poor products. Failing to optimize product listings before launching a paid-advertising campaign on Amazon can be a costly mistake. 

Sure, you can spend countless hours researching your industry and consumer with laser focused targeting – but there is a good chance your investment will see no return if your product pages are not up to par.

Let’s take a look at how to optimize Amazon product listings so that they are campaign and retail ready. Retail readiness ensures Amazon customers have a positive experience and the right information to make a purchase decision. In order to set yourself up for success, consider the following recommendations before promoting products through Amazon Advertising.

What is Amazon Listing Optimization?

Amazon listing optimization is the process of improving product pages to increase their visibility and generate sales. This process includes keyword research, optimizing listing text and image content and increasing the number of reviews.

Where To Make Optimizations


Amazon will allow nine product images including (the most important) lead image. Your lead image is most relevant to CTR and must comply with Amazon’s minimum requirements (white background with the product filling 85% of the image frame). 

Use the additional images to demonstrate the size and scale of the product as well it’s distinguishing features. You’ll want to include different angles of the product, uses and benefits, packaging as well as lifestyle imagery that shows customers how to use the product.

Product Title

For most categories, Amazon allows you a product title length of 200 characters. Do your best to place your top ranking keywords in the product title while maintaining relevance to the user’s search. Many sellers make the mistake of adding all search terms with high volume regardless of how relevant those words are to their products. Your title should give the buyer more than enough information to decide if they want to continue.

Key Product Features (Bullet Points)

Amazon gives you 1,000 characters to describe your key product features, use this as an opportunity to include additional keywords and demonstrate the uses and benefits of your product. Again, only include relevant keywords here that do not take away from demonstrating the advantages of your product. 

Product Description

The product description is your opportunity to demonstrate why your product is superior to other similar products. Use this section as an opportunity to expand on your bullet points, introduce additional benefits, features and highlight potential uses. Make sure to include keywords that you have not used in your title, key features, or backend keywords.

Search Terms (Backend Keywords)

Once you have used your preferred keywords in your title and bullet points, add the remaining keywords into the backend Search Terms fields. Amazon offers backend keywords to help businesses reach more relevant traffic. These are keywords that appear at the “back end” of your listing, meaning your audience will never see these keywords on your page, but your page will still rank for them.

Customer Reviews & Product Ratings

Reviews are essential to the success of your Amazon listing. In general a customer’s willingness to submit a review will increase with excellent customer service. Be honest about the product you are selling and provide as much accurate, precise information on your listings as possible to avoid confusion or false expectations.

The questions that customers ask on the product pages are almost equally important to the reviews themselves. Sellers should address unanswered questions regularly to ensure that their customers receive correct answers. Doing so will improve the content of the listing and provide insight to gaps in information that you can add to your descriptions, bullet points, and images.

Send follow up emails after an Amazon purchase asking for feedback. Amazon’s default feature allows sellers to request customer feedback with an email. You’ll have to do this manually and the generic format tends to be overlooked by purchases. Instead, consider sending automated product requests with a service such as Jungle Scout’s review automation tool. This will allow you to send more personalized requests and save time that could be spent on further improving your ASINs.


So, now that you know what to do to optimize your listings, take a look around the Amazon landscape and dissect the listings of top sellers. Watch for emerging trends and patterns, and make sure you’re employing best practices for your product pages so that you are set up for success with your paid-advertising efforts.

If you would like some additional insight as to how you can improve the strength of your Amazon listings and grow your business in 2021, we at SmartSites can help! We utilize our years of digital advertising expertise and omni-channel strategic planning to identify the right solution to help you grow your business. Schedule a free discovery meeting to see how we can help you today!