How To Do Golf Course Website Design

Chad Faith
Director of Content

Golf is a sport that has won the hearts of many Americans since its inception. More than 20 million individuals play golf annually in the U.S. The industry has undergone a goliath growth and continues to thrive as we speak. Just look at the many country clubs and golf courses that are located all over the nation!
Next, we have already entered the modern age of the Internet and it is a common practice for individuals to turn to the web to find information about their favorite game and the available golf destinations. If you want to be that golf business that gets tons of visitors, you have to build a stellar website that offers all the information golfers seek, at the snap of their fingers! Let’s find out how you can do golf course web design:
Detailing the Golfing Experience You Offer
It will be common for most clients to want to know all the details about their trip to your golf course, including pricing details. They might also want to know if they can enjoy a lunch at the turn or if they are required to book a room at the resort. In other words, your website acts like a salesperson when there is no one else to answer the questions of potential customers. As long as your site caters to all the questions you would typically answer on a day-to-day basis, you are good to go.
Keep Your Calls to Action Visible
Calls to action are an essential to have in any golf course website design. However, they do not have to be the biggest element of the site because you do not want them to display them in an overbearing manner and allow them to become an annoyance. In most cases, a visitor may just be looking for information and are not ready to make a purchase at the moment. You simply want the call to action to be visible when your visitors are ready to make their reservations. For instance, you can feature an online tee time registration system, phone number, and more.
Provide Ample Information about Your Golf Courses and Holes
When a visitor discovers your golf course on the web, they will naturally and eventually dive into the hole details. They will examine the shapes of the holes so that they can gauge how they will perform on your course. That’s why it is important that you feature high definition images for them to better assess the demands of the holes versus their ability. The more detailed you are the better as you can pique your site’s visitors’ interest, and have a better chance of converting them into real customers.
Upload Real Golf Course Photography
Yes, no 3D renderings! Actual shots please. As high quality photography is becoming more important on the Internet, it is one of the core components of a good web design. You have to consider the fact that your clients want to visualize the holes from different angles. If you feel that your photography skills are not up to par, it is worth an investment to have professional photographs taken while you are developing your golf course website. Take the chance to highlight the areas of course that makes it unique. For instance, you may feature a signature hole that people can talk about when they come in the clubhouse.