Enhance Your Facebook Ads By Thinking Out Of The Box

Chad Faith
Director of Content

When it comes to making the most of Facebook ads, you can benefit greatly from adopting unorthodox Facebook advertising strategies. By thinking out of the box, you can overcome one of the most intimidating advertising channels and secure solid marketing returns. Let’s take a look at some unconventional but actionable advertising strategies that can target your relevant audience.
Optimize Your Forms
Why: You can target more high-quality leads.
One of the main goals of your Facebook ads should be converting users successfully. Otherwise, you will just be wasting clicks and impressions on them. Yes, this is true, no matter how granularly you are targeting your ideal audience. Thus, when you encounter a fork in the road, make sure that you follow the path that has signs stating that you should optimize your forms. In order to optimize, you can consider implementing a tracking pixel into your sign-up forms to allow Facebook to ‘learn’ which users are ‘worthy’ as leads.
For example, a user is required to spend over $500 on AdWords to qualify as a viable lead. If he or she enters a higher figure into a qualifying field – you can probably name it ‘Amount Spent on AdWords per Month’ – in your form, you can set the pixel to sound the buzzer so that Facebook knows that the user is a qualified lead. By doing so, you can also refine and tailor the copy within your ad sets that are driving the higher quality leads. When you have accumulated sufficient data, you can even go on to create custom audiences from these leads by utilizing the ‘Event’ selection. Depending on the specific needs of your campaigns, you can even create remarketing, exclusionary, and lookalike audiences.
Enable Niche Interest Targeting
Why: You can combine it with common user behaviors.
Facebook’s reputation as a stellar ad platform is made possible with its ability to target users based on their online behavior and general interests. This social media platform is able to combine these two overlooked targeting strategies to yield amazing results.
When you advertise online, you don’t want to end up casting your net far too widely because it can weaken ad messaging. By combining common user behaviors and highly specific interest targeting, you can easily avoid restricting yourself too narrowly to specific niche interest groups. You will be able to target prospects who are interested in both your industry and services.
Make Full Use of the Universal Tracking Pixel
Why: To effectively create highly exclusionary audiences.
“I can’t find ‘universal tracking pixel’ in my Facebook ad account.” Well, what you know as ‘Facebook Pixel’ is actually the same thing. By eliminating the need for multiple pixels, the creation of inefficient unique conversion tracking pixels is prevented. Unique code snippets have been identified by Facebook as things that are redundant and create clutter. For starters, you can generate your pixel by selecting Ads Manager > Tools (drop-down) > Pixels > Actions (tab) > View Pixel Code. Next, simply place this code throughout your site and let it accrue over time.
If you are not aware about Facebook’s tracking pixels, it is a commonly used feature that enables bid optimization and conversion tracking. As this feature helps its users create highly exclusionary and dynamic audiences, you can benefit from this great feature by attracting and amassing an audience that aligns with your advertising goals on Facebook with exceptional accuracy. What’s more, you can remarket to individuals who visit pages on which you have implemented the universal tracking pixel with ease.