An Introduction To Content Marketing

Chad Faith
Director of Content

If you’ve been trying to keep up to date with the latest online marketing and SEO news, then you may have come across the term ‘content marketing’. Content marketing is a form of SEO that aims to leverage content in order to gain more visibility and traffic.
While the content marketing is a relatively new one, it has actually been around as long as the internet and even before that. Ever since magazines and newspapers started writing articles and using them to make money from advertising, content marketing has been going on. The term has become more relevant than ever today though, as companies, bloggers and SEOs are discovering just how crucial it is to increasing visibility and customers. Let’s take a look at what we mean by the term and how the basics work.
The Basic Concept
The main aim behind content marketing is to use high value content in order to attract more readers. If you have great, useful and entertaining content on your website, then people are going to come back regularly in order to read that information. As they do, they will learn about your business and they will hopefully start to trust your opinion on matters. Then, when they decide they need services like yours, they won’t hesitate to use your business. Meanwhile, as they’re constantly on your site, you’ll have a great place to advertise new products to them and improve visibility for your brand.
Content marketing thus has many advantages over other forms of online marketing and can help you to build your authority, your visibility and more. And what’s great is that content marketing and SEO just so happen to work hand in hand seeing as Google mostly looks at content when choosing which sites to serve up.
How to Make Content Marketing Work for You
So those are the basics, now how do you make content marketing work for you? First of all, you need a strategy. You need to think about what kind of content you’re going to produce, how it’s going to increase the desirability of your products or services and how you’re going to maintain a steady flow.
What should be the number one priority is that your content is great. If you want people to buy a product on the strength of an article, or just to decide they want to keep coming back to your site for more posts, then you need to deliver quality and entertainment on a consistent basis. If you can’t write great content yourself, then find a writer who can do the job for you. Try to include lots of resources and to go in-depth on your topics. More importantly still, make sure you come up with unique angles for your articles so that your content stands out among the crowd.
You can also benefit by using social media to promote your articles; by including share and like buttons on your posts for instance and by manually posting your new articles to Facebook and Twitter – remember the importance of a great title and image to make your posts stand out!