Should You Be Alarmed With A Declining Reach On Your Social Media Accounts?

Chad Faith
Chad Faith

Director of Content

Should You Be Alarmed With A Declining Reach On Your Social Media Accounts?

Today, it has become more challenging to get traffic from one’s social media channels. Audiences are becoming more fragmented because new channels are appearing. This means that staying active on all the channels got way harder. Next, publishers have started to observe significant drops in organic engagements and reach, especially on platforms like Facebook. Some marketers are calling the latest changes to Facebook’s feeds algorithm “Facebook Zero.”

Should Marketers Worry about the Declining Reach?

For many years, business owners and marketers alike have grown accustomed to receiving free traffic from social media channels. This has caused us to rely heavily on social media to drive revenue and traffic. So, when the rules change, it immediately affects one’s marketing results and even business performance. Although platforms like Facebook gives us free traffic, the solution is still not scalable. It is like a tap that gives you water when it is switched on. However, you are not in control of how much water is supplied to you. What’s more, that tap can be easily switched off. As a business owner or marketer, you cannot be worried about the tap switching off. You will need to be in control of things.

Can You Overcome the Problem?

One solution is paid search marketing. This paying-for-traffic solution is scalable as it allows you to increase conversion and traffic as much as you want (some limitations may exist), as long as you have the budget for it. In order to do this the right way, it is pertinent that you assign a value to your activities and aim to make a profit from it.

Ensure Every Social “Conversation” Has Value

It is important to take a profitable approach, but keep in mind that not everything you do on social media is about sales. You should aim to build an authentic community that expresses genuine interest in your company. This will help bring long-term value. In order to achieve this, you will need to provide substantial amounts of value first. Start by being responsive to the needs of your followers and fans. Collect feedback and insights from your customers to grow your business. Drive conversations to engage your audience, build awareness, as well as build trust in your service, product, and brand.

Setting Up a Sales Funnel

If you are running a Facebook ad to drive visitors to your website, you obviously want them to take a certain action, including:

  • Downloading a brochure or guide
  • Purchasing a service or product
  • Scheduling an on-site demonstration
  • Signing up for a free trial

Don’t forget to map out your sales funnel. You need to work out the potential cost of driving people to your website, and then determine how much profits you can actually make. Next, you need to create content that is relevant at each stage. When your skills in targeting and sales funnels improve, you will be able to minimize loss and create more profitable advertising campaigns that generate decent ROI on your ad spend.

The Bottom Line

As you can see, relying solely on social media reach to drive traffic to your website is like buying a home with a temporary lease. It is risky especially if you are largely at the mercy of your social media “landlord”, e.g. Instagram or Facebook. Start keeping control over your digital real estate today!