Rehab Center Finds Success with Google Ads PPC Campaign

Elinor Cohen
Elinor Cohen

Senior Content Editor

Rehab Center Finds Success with AdWords PPC Campaign

Florida addiction treatment center maximizes occupancy by working with Certified Google Partner Agency SmartSites

New Life Addiction Treatment Center, based out of beautiful Palm City, Florida, offers a second chance to those struggling with drug addictions. Known for the personal touch and dedicated attention they provide to all patients, New Life treats each individual with respect and humility. Addictions, while a major part of all the people who come to New Life, are not the entire identity of these people. New Life Addiction Treatment Center lets its clients enter as patients and exit as well-rounded individuals, ready to return to their full lives.

Inpatient rehabilitation at New Life operates differently from most substance abuse centers. Instead of focusing on numbers, New Life focuses on people. Healing their patients from the inside out is of utmost importance. In recent years, New Life found that while their dedication to clientele remained strong, they also needed to consider the business aspect of the industry. Marketing initiatives that previously proved sufficient were no longer enough. While it would be nice to think that helping professions could survive on good-will alone, that is sadly not the case. In order for New Life to continue offering their treatment services to those in need, they had to maximize occupancy, while not overloading their internal team and simultaneously maintaining their standards of care.

These newfound challenges put New Life in a tricky position. Traditional advertising through print media or television outlets seemed inappropriate, given the sensitive nature of the industry. Furthermore, New Life’s focus on patients with private insurance coverage meant that they could only target a small subset of addicts, as opposed to the general population of those who might be suffering. They struggled to determine just the right strategy so they could continue helping those in need.

Digital Marketing is all about strategy, even when it comes to uncomfortable topics such as substance abuse. Just like New Life, SmartSites is a boutique-style business and treats each of its clients with care and respect.  Before launching New Life’s Google Ads campaign, SmartSites took a very research-heavy approach towards understanding the world of addiction treatment. In order to best service New Life, SmartSites first had to understand what their patients were looking for. SmartSites determined that focusing on specific behavioral segments, and running Google Ads campaigns during daytime hours would result in the most effective ROI for New Life.

Then they went even further. Behavioral segments differ between those searching for treatment center based on whether they search on a desktop computer or mobile device. SmartSites’ research uncovered that while desktop was and will always be important, the actual people who converted to treatable patients were mobile searchers. Optimization of the PPC campaign for mobile therefore proved to be an invaluable asset while running this campaign.
Seasonality was another also interesting factor when managing this campaign.

SmartSites has been the managing force behind New Life’s Google Ads PPC campaign for just under a year and has so far seen the effects that seasonal fluctuations can have on those suffering from drug addictions. Consistent monitoring and optimization of the campaign to keep occupancy levels steady was crucial to this campaign’s success. In fact, in recent months, New Life was able to steadily increase their monthly budget due to the campaign’s performance.

Issues with website traffic have now been alleviated due to SmartSites’ creation of mobile-friendly landing pages that target specific demographics. “With SmartSites, we found a partner that understood these very specific needs and executed a strategy that grew in efficiency each month. We are maximum occupancy now, during our slowest season, and we couldn’t be more pleased,” said Director of Admissions, Jennifer Rae.

Unfortunately, drug addictions have not yet become obsolete. Until they do, treatment centers like New Life need to exist to help service these struggling individuals. As New Life Addiction Treatment Center continues to maintain maximum occupancy, SmartSites will operate as their digital marketing arm, holding their hand along the way.