7 Web Design Inspiration Tools To Know

Chad Faith
Director of Content

In the world of website design, one of the stages that inevitably make its appearance in every designer’s process is the inspiration stage. Wouldn’t it be wonderful if you have a great array of inspirational resources at your fingertips? Yes, it would be absolutely invaluable! With that in mind, here are some of the top web design inspiration tools you can consider using.
Flat Inspire
If you are all about flat designs, Flat Inspire is the right place to be. For individuals who are on a focused hunt for inspiration, Flat Inspire will have you covered in spades, and you get to use cool filtering options, including typeface! What’s more, the screenshots on the site link you off to the source website so you can explore in context with ease.
Nice Portfolio
If portfolio design has a special place in your heart, Nice Portfolio will definitely be worth your time. It is an inspiration site that focuses on other creatives’ personal websites. With that in mind, there has been quite a hype surrounding hyper-minimal and type-driven sites lately. So, don’t forget to check Nice Portfolio out when you are working on a portfolio redesigning project in the future.
The things that make UI OH MY stand out from the mass pool of inspiration sites are its side-by-side shots of Android and iOS versions of popular apps. If you have been tasked to re-skin an Android app for iPhone (or vice versa), UI OH MY is a stellar inspiration tool that comes in handy. What’s more, you can use the left-hand pattern menu to check out how other designers on different platforms handle screen types, including onboarding, login pages, or articles.
PatternTap is a useful resource for web designers and features relatively small-sized and static screenshots that links directly to its source. When you visit PatternTap, you will discover that it’s pretty easy to find exactly the inspiration you are looking for; there are more than 5,000 patterns to check out!
Mobile Design Inspiration
Mobile Design Inspiration is one of a family of web design inspiration tools that pertain to graphic and logo design. This tool offers a feast of large-sized images of mobile designs. You will definitely spend hours scrolling endlessly to view the featured works. While the featured inspirations are categorized by platform, some say it’s more fun to experience undirected discovery. Try it!
Nicely Done
Nicely Done is a design inspiration tool with a focus on digital products. If you specialize in designing for bigger screens, marketing sites, and web apps, Nicely done is a useful design inspiration tool. You will be able to check out a wide array of screenshots that give you the big-picture look at every featured digital. What’s more, these screenshots also allow you to get a strong sense of the overall aesthetic. To save time, simply click on the Most Popular section to see what’s trending.
Capptivate is a stellar resource for anyone who wants to get inspired by app design patterns in the animations and interactions niches. This online tool features a three-column design and tall screencaps that provide a wonderful experience on desktop. All in all, the featured works in Capptivate are so well-curated that it’s hard for anyone to want to look away.