Why Businesses Should Leverage On Mobile SEO

Chad Faith
Chad Faith

Director of Content

Why Businesses Should Leverage On Mobile SEO

Today, the Internet is more than just browsing and surfing on computer screens. Thanks to advanced mobile devices, more users are able to perform searches and acquire needed data on the go. With more people relying on their smartphones and other mobile devices, businesses are constantly looking for innovative ways to cater to these new habits. That’s why you need to optimize the mobile SEO aspect for your business. This way, you can effectively improve your sales and conversion, in times when mobile usage is rising quickly.

Wait, there’s a problem?

While many businesses are aware of the rapid shift towards mobile, some still choose to neglect the importance of optimizing their marketing efforts for mobile. Still have doubts about leveraging on mobile SEO? No worries. Just read on and you will understand its relevance to your success in online marketing.

The Benefits of Creating Mobile-Friendly Designs

If you are still unsure whether opting for a mobile-friendly website design is a good idea, consider the potential sales and conversions you might be missing out on because mobile users are leaving your site. Here is a quick look at the various benefits you can enjoy from implementing mobile-friendly designs:

Mobile SEO Optimization Tips for Your Business
  • Increased website traffic
  • Enhanced user experience
  • Higher conversion rates
  • Searchers stay on your site for a longer period of time
  • Reduced bounce rates
  • Faster page load times
  • Competitive market advantage
  • Improved customer engagement
  • Enhanced search engine performance

How to Get Mobile SEO Right

For starters, you will be pleased to know that crafting strategies for your business to get the SEO efforts correct does not entail an arduous journey. In simple terms, your goal is to make Google ‘happy’ and then adhere to great SEO measures that will boost your SEO success. Next, keep in mind that a successful mobile strategy usually comprises of mobile apps, mobile ads and other mobile-optimized email marketing campaigns.

Moving forward, your site’s design and the way your content is presented must be Google-friendly, future-proof and compatible with all screen sizes and resolutions. In addition, you should make the search and browsing process as smooth and convenient as possible for all your mobile users. If you are planning to target a local audience, you should consider using Google My Business. This app allows searchers to easily find you on Google Maps and contact your via email or phone.

Common Mobile SEO Tools that Provide the Basic Leverage You Need

Just like Google My Business, there are other useful mobile SEO tools out there you can use to gain the leverage you need for optimizing mobile SEO. Before you further explore more advanced mobile search engine optimization strategies, try gaining a foothold by trying out the following recommendations:

  • Try using Moz’s Local Search tool to check your business listings. You can ensure that your listings are always updated with the most accurate information.
  • Enter your site’s URL into this responsive testing tool while you design and build your website.
  • If you want to understand how your website is performing on mobile, Google’s Mobile Friendly Test is a great place to start.

For best results, and a complete peace of mind, you should leave mobile search engine optimization in the hands of experienced professionals.

All in all, you can be sure that power and use of mobile devices will continue to rise in years to come. Hence, you should never neglect mobile SEO for your business, especially if you want to stay ahead of your competition.